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Session 2022.12.20

Date: December 20th, 2022

We start by finding a point in the road that fell away. In that point, we see a broken barrel 20 ft down. Lini finds wood to build, Ella helps be diplomatic to help everyone help, and Elrond builds a bridge halfway across the 20 ft gap.

Ella heals Ajax for 19 with battle medicine while in the middle of crossing for some reason.

We all succesfully cross, with Lini do a critical success on the jump. Fafnir catches up after climbing across the gap himself. Upon the path, a fairly recently dropped wrench is found. It could be the perfect tool to repair a wagon, putting a wheel back on for example.


Goblins attack us, and yell something in goblin. Elrond understands it, but can't tell anyone till his turn. They seem to cast darkness, and most of the party (except Fafnir who has dark vision) are blind. Elrond finally tells everyone what they yelled is that they are here to capture us, and not kill us. Elrond attempts to cast light, but it utterly fails and it does nothing to darkness. The region outside of the darkness probably gets brighter. Ajax moves blindly and knocks into someone. Goblins hit Elrond for and almost kill him in one hit. Lini attempts to use smell to figure out where people are, and with almost perfect smell, casts burning hands on a goblin. One of the goblins casts something and makes Fafnir blind. After some time, Ajax kills one of the poor goblins. Followed by Fafnir killing another. It saddens me to say that Ajax then annihilates another. One goblin seems to run, and another surrenders. The battle has come to an end.

After the Battle

The goblins were just protecting their families. The caravan is staying with the goblins, the members of which had become sick. There is apparently also a spy, who is Jasan Blegic. He was allowed to live to help heal the members of the caravan. While Ella and Lini work to help heal the 3 sick members of the caravan, Elrond attempts to fix the caravan carts with the assistance of the strength of Fafnir. Carts are in good shape, but one person is still in danger. Delia Harfoot came at sunset, and helped with negotations the following morning.

The caravan members have been healed enough to travel. Everyone agreed to say the goblins helped us and were vital to the survival. Delia and Jasan had a brief argument but made up by morning. We then lead the caravan back to town. There is a platform including Mayor Blegic and Brewmaster Landon Carvaggio waiting in town, excited to see us as they are almost out of beer. The Mayor makes up a terrible lie that he had sent Jasan to help the caravan. After praising the goblins for their help, their sins are expunged. For Delia's help, the bad blood between the Harfoots and Blegics is water under the bridge.

Delia and Jasan pledge their lives to one another, and exchange rings.

-2cp for flowers. Small precious gem, and two monkey pins. "They have nice 'petals'". This merchant is related to (or is) Petal.


30gp from the Mayor
25gp from Jasan
2x Lesser healing potion
2x Monkey pins (3gp)
Precious gem (20gp)
Superb repair kit (12.5gp)
2x Bravos brew (3.5gp)

We visit the Archive to find information about the Gnomon Talisman of Concordance by asking about things in Gnomish during the time of the Gnomish migration. We found a letter from Larada to Farview that may lead us to its location!