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Date: January 12th, 2023

Town - Nob Hill

The owner of the inn told us to talk to a fiddilist at the Spotted Cow who is a story teller named Lili Brannet. We head over to there where Lini tips her playing. We ask about adventures to the south, and says she's heard adventurers running into giant insects.

We then go ask Brewmaster Landon Carvaggio at Cayden Brewhouse. He asks priests about the south. He talks about the Goblin clan called the Red Rocks Clan, who says we will need intimidation or combat to deal with them.

We also find Petal and she tells us the same thing about the Red Rocks Clan.


We head south along the road that more or less follows the river. The bridge we need to cross is out, and as we are attempting prepping to cross, we are attacked by a giant mantis. The mantis ends up running away as we got it near death.

We attach a rope to Fafnir and he swims across, or tries to at first. After a LARGE amount of time, he FINALLY gets across. He ties the rope onto a solid point, and we all try to use the rope to get across. We manage to finally get across, with Ajax carrying Lini.

We come to a pair of large red rocks, which has goblins in the vicinity. A female goblin has why we "longshanks" are invading their territory. We offer to help them (with some great diplomacy checks; Ella(25)+Ajax assist(4): 29), but first we have to climb a bit. Elrond overheard the female goblin tell the other goblins not to attack until she hears what we have to say. We spend some time, but we all climb up eventually.

The female goblin tells us of many "six-legged beasts" and the "dragon". We are allowed to go to the village and ask the villagers about it.


We are allowed to spend the night, and are visited by various goblins. They are fascinated by our ever-burning torch. We learn that the female goblin we spoke to was Meesa, the "pyro" of the clan.

By eventually explaining how our torch works, and being saddened that it can't be used for fire spells, he tells us more about the dragon. Ajax learns that the creature is actually a drake.

A little while later, a female comes up and asks us to help her sick goblin son. Lini uses to medicine to help the son, and the woman tells us the "dragon" can use AoE lightning attacks.

Another goblin is impressed with Fafnir's strength, who tells us the "dragon" can fly very fast and can just swoop in without notice.

The following morning, the goblins offer us rotten food, and Fafnir accepts. But the food is rotten, so he gets sicks from it. Good going Fafnir.

More Adventuring!

The goblins accompanied us long enough to show us the path, but then let us go on our way.

Heading down the path, we see some skunk looking creatures down the way. Lini identifies them as giant skunks, who are very territorial. She manages to communicate with them in some manner, and they leave the area.

We pay attention to the sky as we wind along the path, and see the drake as its flying in. After many people getting knocked unconcious and healed back, the dragon eventually attempts to flee. As it flees, Ajax shoots it heroically with a crossbow and kills it. It was really a touch and go battle for a while.

We carry along the path until we come to what seems to be the drakes treasure pile. We decide to browse through it all.

We find:
2x Lesser Healing Potions
1x Oil of Mending
1x Brooch of Mending
Small Ruby
* 11gp of mixed coin

Lini uses the spyglass, and sees there seems to be giant wasps in the direction we are heading.

We take the head of the drake head back to the goblins, who celebrate the death of the drake. In return they give us
A horn that lets you cast Bull Horn once a day
* An extreme climbing kit

We also get 15 respect points for all the good we did for the Red Rocks Clan.

+7 xp for the adventure


Bullhorn 5
Extreme climbing kit  20
Reward for killing drake  10
Lesser Healing Potion´2 6´2
Oil of Mending 6
Sleep Arrow 5.5
Full Plate (small) 17.5
Brooch of Shielding 15
Small Ruby 20

Mixed Coins 11
means value is as listed)
I think this is 24.4/person


map in Landon's safe
letter from Larada to Farview