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Session 2023.01.26

Date: January 26, 2023
Previous: Session 2023.01.12

Relevant: letter from Larada to Farview

We start at the goblins camp. Ella's performance of telling of our battles lets us learn information we already knew about the giant wasps in the area.

We follow the stream north heading along the path towards Mergda, and run into 2 giant wasps. We obviously have to battle them. We eventually managed to beat them.

Somewhere down the trail, after passing down some kind of stone archway, we find some scratchings on a tree. We come to a sleep slope near a waterfall, which we should be able to climb slowly. We can slowly climb up the slope and wander into a cave. Inside the cave there seems to be a grizzly bear. Which we clearly have to fight.

We eventually succeed in our battle against the formidable bear. We find a room with a throne and a flag above it, with something written behind the throne (in Gnomish). Ajax attempts to move the throne, with Fafnir helping. They move the throne, and Lini reads the writing saying "authorized personel only". The door behind us shuts, and it asks "on whose authority do we enter". Lini says "On the authority of Queen Miela", and a door upons in the wall where the throne used to be.

We enter the room that opened. The center of the room is a 3-foot deep pool, which takes up a lot of the room. The room has two centipede swarms, who poison a bunch of people during battles. Elrond went into the pool to avoid the swarms, but was attacked by some fish. After defeating the centipede swarms, Elrond gets out of the water, only after being attacked by the fish more of course. He gets down to 1 health prior to the poison wearing off. Nice.

We are all pretty worn out, so we decide to rest for the night in the locking room. We of course use medicine to get people up to health prior to resting.

The following morning, we continue on our journey into the next room. Ella peeks into the next room and sees a gelatinous cube, before backing away. We find the queen's old room, and gain 2 platinum, a comprehend language scroll, and a robe.

We head into the room with the gelatinous cube and there are actually two of them. The cubes have a massive health pool and take a long time to widdle down and eventually kill. We explore the rooms and find a trap door underneath a nice rug. We get a garnet, infiltrator's tools, and a small crystaline carving in the shape of a tree leaf. Elrond finds the latter object is a snap leaf.

We head down some stairs and find various levers, keys on the wall, and shelves with supplies, and a bag filled with many things. The bag seems to be a bag of holding, so Ella takes it.

We use the keys to open the other lower room, and there is a mosaic in the room. We attempt to smash the mosaic around where we think the Gnomon Talisman of Concordance may be hidden, as the exact location on the wall is invulnerable. As we start smashing, water starts coming in from the holes that are made.

The room starts to fill with water as Ajax and Fafnir beat at the wall. Fafnir breaks the peice away, and Ajax grabs him and books it out of the room. We chip the brick away, and get a metal object of some sort, which we assume to be the Talisman, which Lini takes.

We take our spoils, and head back to town!


+6 xp
Chain Mail                3
Clan Dagger             1

+1 Short Sword      17.5
Mixed Coin             8.88
Silver Necklace        7    
Cyan Robe               5
2 platinum pieces    20
Scroll of Comprehend
   Languages (3rd)  15

Decorative Rug       5
Infiltrator’s Tools   25
Snapleaf                 4.5

Garnet                    3
Superb Repair Kit 12.5
Bag of Holding
          (Type I)        37.5

Broom                     0.1
Shovel                    0.5

50 ft. rope ´ 2      0.25 ´ 2
0 ft. chain ´ 2        2 ´ 2

10 ft. ladder           0.02
Talisman                 20

Expenses              - 25
TOTAL                  165*
So 33/person.
Ella however is keeping the bag of holding at the very least, so she will owe at least 4.5 gp