Session 2023.03.02

Date: March 2, 2023
Location: Leaving Meadowlark Hill
Previous: Session 2023.02.23

A cleric of Cayden Cailean requested the help of Ajax for a few days, and he said he would meet up with us again at a future destination.

The Gnomon Talisman of Concordance pulls us almost directly west out of town, towards the town of Bardaga. Upon entering town, we hear screams coming from further in town. We obviously jump into action!

As we approach the source of the screaming, we see terrified humans and large dragonflies approaching. The dragonflies start attacking people and grappling on to them, and doing something we can't quite make out. One of the dragonflies picks up one of the humans and starts flying away with them. During the battle, a group of 3 others come to assist in the battle; a fighter, an archer, and a mage of sorts it seems.

After the battle, the figher introduces himself as Montgomery Ransom, and his party as well; [[Andrea Malikov]], [[Rajaë'la Par'e'neh]], and [[Duke Percival Senesta]]. Ransom asks us if we are heading back to South Fork, as they believe the Orcs are gathering, and may be preparing an attack. Ransom wants to spar with Fafnir, [[Andrea Malikov]] wants to speak with Elrond, [[Rajaë'la Par'e'neh]] the half-elf wants to speak with Lini, and [[Duke Percival Senesta]] want to speak with Ella. Seems awfully well matched up.

Fafnir spars with Random, Elrond speaks with Andrea about arcana and ocultism, Rajaë'la speaks with Lini about nature and survival, and Percival speaks with Ella about her life, though he seems to not like orphans very much. The mayor and the townpeopele give us 20gp as thanks. Ransom's group thanks us again, asks us again to help in the future, and heads back to South Fork.

We cross the river and head toward the Great Swamp. After Lini guides us through swamps for a while, we come upon some "log that isn't a log". Lini tells us it is very likely a [[crocodile]]. Lini throws some rations and the crocodile takes it and heads into deeper water. Elrond attempts to jump across a small area of shallow water and succeeds... at landing in quick sand. There seems to be a dead body in the depths of the quick sand.

To make things worse, mosquitos come in and attack. Needless to say, this swamp has been very welcoming thus far. As we fight off the mosquitos, Elrond successfully escapes the quick sand, and finds himself in another swarm of mosquitos. We eventually burn them away, and wait for all the bleeding from the bites to stop.

The group attaches a rope to Fafnir and he jumps into quick sand and grabs a hold of the body. After some pulling and some swimming, Fafnir emerges with the body. The body has a belt and a backpack with 20gp and 2 potions. Elrond uses his vast wisdom to discover that the belt is in actuality.. a belt. He didn't roll very well, so we have no idea what it actually is. The potions are a [[seatouch elixir]] and an [[eagle eyed elixir]] (moderate).

They move on from the quicksand area and Lini continues to lead the group deeper into the swamps. Fafnir chops away brush and Elrond crafts some mud skis to increase travel speed.

After several days of travel, they come to an area with what seems like carnivorous plants and some frogs. They look hungry.. for humanoid flesh! Lini and Fafnir get eaten by the giant plants, but one would wonder how any mouth could even possibly fit Fafnir. After lots of fire and pummeling, they succeed in defeating the beasts! Or most of them, as the last few frogs run away.

As the frogs run away, we are intercepted by the Iruxi, who blame us for invading their territory and poaching their frogs. The Iruxi bring us to their encampment to be put on trial by their elders.

To be continued...