Session 2023.03.30
Date: March 30, 2023
Previous: Session 2023.03.02
Location: Iruxi encampment
The party heals up their wounds, in preparation for the trial, just in case things go terribly terribly awry. Elrond uses a level 3 scroll of comprehend language on Ella, so that she may speak natively in Draconic, as she will be the one defending the group.
Ella, eloqent as always, successfully defends the group at the trial, and they are judged to be not guilty. They ask upon the group a favor, to find their leader who went north 26 days ago to fight a multiheaded beast. They wish to recover the bones of their leader, as it's what their religion asks of them. The group of course accepts the quest. The group asks about the multiheaded beast, and Lini believes they are attempting to describe a Hydra.
After traveling for the day, and camping over night, our group continues on, eventually reaching an area filled with water. A little farther ahead, we see some cloth, and what seems to be a body. Then, while discussing how to approach what is obviously the Hydra's den, the Hydra attacks! A fierce battle ensues, and after many near deaths, the group is victorious after chopping off all its heads!
The groups finds the leaders body, who has hide armor, a "scary" mask (Demon Mask), and a staff topped with carved animal and monster heads. They take the body and head back to the Iruxi encampment. After giving a brief performance of the battle, the chief thanked them for their help, and rewarded them with a Dragon Turtle Scale and a [[Feather Token (Fan)]].
They thank the Iruxi and head back out on their adventure, along with an Iruxi guide.
After traveling through some densely fogged forest, the group sees a light in the distance, and hears a voice crying for help. The Iruxi guide believe it to be an Orb of Evil, something thats guides people to their deaths. The group decides to ignore the wise advice of the guide, and go investigate. Obviously, there was a monster there.
After a monster that looks like a glowing ball comes toward the group, then disappears, an Emperor Cobra also moves to attack the group. While attacking the Emperor Cobra, the floating fire ball pops out of no where! The group valiantly fights the monsters untill they finally succeed, though the [[Will-o'-wisp]] was HIGHLY annoying.
They search the area and find a small bottle of liquid and a scroll ([[Resist Energy]]). They continue through the day until they get to clearing where they can camp. They notice a cave at the edge of the clearing, which seems to contain a fungal garden, as it seems unnatural in the arrangement they are growing.
Upon entering the caves, they run into some fungal looking creatures, one of which is Dalath. After speaking with them for a bit, we are invited to stay with them in the main cavern.