Lahe'nelle's diary

Owner: Lahe'nelle
Found during Session 2022.10.06

Original can be see in the documents.pdf. The content of the entry, which was originally in elvish is as follows:

Got a letter from Jaisah. She seems to be doing well. Married someone named Brandon Olmstead, apparently a man of some importance. I’ll have to get used to calling her Olmstead; so strange how these humans take the man’s name upon marrying. Apparently wants me to look at a letter she got from her niece. Her niece claims to have uncovered a scroll which gives clues to the location of ‘the Gnomon Talisman of Concordance.’ Could this actually be one of the fabled Talismans of Concordance? Hard to believe, but maybe. Worth a look. Isn’t much of a journey to the South Garrison near the river fork. Worth a look in any case. And if it is the Talisman – worth finding out.