Landon's last letter

Found during Session 2022.10.27
Written by: [[Landon Olmstead ] ] To: Max

Was most likely written just before being murdered.

May 18, 1347
Dear Max,
I am writing in hopes that I can convince you to do the right thing. You have seen the letter, and you know that Falkion’s claim is valid. He is unmistakably the proper heir to the house of Olm and it is your duty and honor to step aside and let him lead the family. You do not need to be a Duke to live comfortably; do not I fare well, even without the title? I want to call you friend again.
Until that time, I must insist that you send no more of your regulars to my estate. I have told you before they are not welcome, and you will not intimidate me with them. Three weeks from now, if you do not relent. I will present the letter and other evidence before the high court, and you know what they will decide. Give it up gracefully. This is your last warning.
I recently went to see the local pastor, and he agreed with me. He will not travel now, as his wife is great with child, but he showed me the marriage record, and the birth record. Once his child is born and healthy he has agreed to come with me.
I am pleading to you, as cousin to cousin, that you choose the honorable course and