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letter from Larada to Farview

Found during: Session 2022.12.20 From: Larada the Quartermaster
To: Farview Palatini

I fear the worst. Queen Miela has not returned to Stühlgen, which makes me think she failed in her quest against the advancing goblins and hobgoblins. I write this note in case she returns, so she can find the Gnomon Talisman of Concordance.

We have hidden it well, including it in what looks like an ordinary mosaic. We have used our magic to mask its presence, so even a detect magic spell will tell nothing. At first we thought to hide it at Hechla Gul, but that is too obvious, so instead we put it in the hidden caverns of Mergda. These can be reached by traveling west from the westmost point of the path to Hechla Gul. After passing through a narrow pass, there will be an archway against the rocks, but this just a distraction, it is not Mergda. The entrance to Mergda is about half a mile to the right of this point.

We have left some traps in place to stop the unwary, but the Queen will know about these and how to avoid them. She will recognize the Talisman, even hidden as it is, with the main color matching the cyan of our flag, and the blue and magenta of the links. Once located, it can be removed only by breaking the tiles; of course, the Talisman is immune to such mundane damage. Please hold this note for the Queen if she does return, or perhaps to some future leader who arises. We thank our halfling friends, and wish you well.


(Note: Name of quartermaster was changed from Miela to Larada as the queen was also named Miela) letter-from-miela-to-farview.png

map in Landon's safe
Session 2023.01.12
Session 2023.01.26