letter from Marhall

Found during Session 2022.10.27
From: Marhall
To: Landon Olmstead

Original can be found in documents.pdf.

June 18, 1263
Dearest Father, Lord Duke, the Defender of Olm,
How are you and mother? Though you do not believe me, I do miss you both. I want to remind you, I did not leave in anger, but because I had to find my own way. Am I not sixteen, a man and able to make my own decisions? It was time to make my own way in the world.
Father, I have joined the Defenders here in the South Garrison. I have made the rank of Captain, and am honored to help these brave people here in the south. Yes, you offered me that rank, and more, but it means so much more to have earned it without anyone knowing who I am. I do not fear the onslaught of orcs, which seems sure to come, for I am defending something I love.
Which leads me to another subject. I have met and fallen in love with a woman. Her name was Marie Farrier. Yes, I said was, for we have married, legally in church, and it cannot be undone. She may be a commoner, but she has taken my name, and is now an Olm. And she is with child – already three months along. You will have another heir, father, and I know that is what you wished for more than anything. The captain is calling me to watch soon, but I hope to get this letter out before the battle, so you will know I love you, come what may.