letter to Brannon from Mer'en'lëa

Found during: Session 2023.04.20
From: Mer'en'lëa
To: Brannon Bodger

Original can be found in documents.pdf.

My dear friend Brannon,

I hope you get this before you leave; if not, I wish you a good journey. I appreciate your plan, but if the flooding is getting as bad as you say, maybe you should not leave the Talisman in your wine cellar. Such a place might get flooded, and do we know for sure that your Talisman would not ultimately be lost? I am not entirely clear on your instructions of how to find it. What are these stone plates that have to be stacked? What do you mean by the merchant puzzle? It wasn’t entirely clear.

I have continued my research of the Talismans, and there is no question that they are somehow connected. At the very least, they could be made to function for longer times once they were “linked”. Apparently this linkage had to be periodically renewed. But surely the linkage means more. I intend to continue my research.

The revival of the ancient beasts has been largely successful, though some of them are more dangerous than we anticipated. For the sake of safety, Mes’än’leäk and the kids have headed to the east coast, and if things get bad they may head back to the mainland. Who knows? You may bump into them. But more likely they will return as soon as I get things under control here.

I have a lot of work to do, both with my research on the Talismans and dealing with all these things, so I apologize for the short note. Hope to hear from you soon.

Your friend, Mer’en’lëa