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letter to Ella from her mother

Found during Session 2023.02.02
From: Niessa Lavson
To: Ella

Darling Ella,

I am leaving this message in case the worst happens, with instructions that it not be opened until you became an adult. Sister Malia will take care of you, I know, as she loves you almost as much as I and you father do.

You should know that your father only went away because he had learned that there was a great danger coming to this land. His family was entrusted with one small piece of magic that was to play a role in protecting this realm from a powerful evil, but it was lost centuries ago by his ancestors, and he had made it his quest to find this lost item. He had been trying to trace his ancestors and learned some of them had lived here, which is how we met and fell in love.

He never did get permission to go into the crypts to research his ancestry, but he found another clue and went off seeking this piece of the puzzle. All I know is that it was to the north somewhere.

He gave me the ring I've enclosed, as he said it was a family symbol. I now pass it on to you, as his oldest daughter and only child. He also gave me the enclosed chart, which he said explained part of your ancestry.

Please know that your father and I love you more than anything, and everything we did was for you are your future.
Love, Mom

