letter to Olmsteads from Grimaldi

Found during Session 2022.10.27 To: Landon Olmstead and Letitia Olmstead.
From: Grimaldi Loranago

Original can be seen in picture below.

Dear Sir Landon and Lady Letitia,

First, I want to thank you for your hospitality while I was staying with you. It certainly wasn't necessary, as I could have stayed nearby while the work was completed.

Please come visit me some time soon, as I would love to discuss my theories on arcana with you. I have left my address with Maraga. He is a most competent butler and you are lucky to have him.

Anyway, the construction was finished yesterday, and I assume the location was done as requested in your office. I have placed the lock on it you requested. It was interesting figuring out how to make the spell work! Letitia helped me check it a couple times; I haven't her talent, so I can't even open it myself, but it should respond both to you and to her.

As requested, unlocking starts with the appropriate rendition beginning with "the key."

The fee for my services is 75 GP. I know you are busy preparing for the dance, and only wish I had the time to stay for it. I will send my servant around in a couple days to collect the fee, or you can write a note that I can cash at the bank.

Yours truly,
Grimaldi Loranago
