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three page letter to Jaisah

Found during Session 2022.10.27
To: Jaisah Olmstead
From: Belinda

Original can be seen in the documents.pdf.

Only the final page of the three page letter was readable, and contains the message:

in the town archives. The mayor said it came from the time of the migration of the gnomes. His translation was a little rough, as he said his Gnomish wasn’t the best, but it definitely said it was the Gnomish Talisman of Concordance. He let me take the map, which I’ve enclosed, along with a drawing of the talisman. Anyway, it was great to hear from you, and I’d love to have you visit me here in “The Hill” as the locals call it. I’d love to show you around, and the people are delightful. It is always wonderful to hear about your boys growing up; are they taller than me already? Take care of yourself; I can’t wait to see my favorite aunt again!

map in Landon's safe