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Talismans of Concordance

Includes at the least the Gnomon Talisman of Concordance.

There are apparently 6 of them (or so Elrond says the GM says).

Notes from the GM

So far you have found two of them, but each of them provides a “tug” which requires a perception of 20 to notice to two others, provided those others are more than 200’ away and in the same plane. They are nearly indestructible, can be wrapped around the upper left arm of any humanoid, and cannot be removed by anyone except the wearer so long as the wearer is alive. They can be activated once per day for 4 hours, with a bonus of +4 hours for each talisman it is “linked” to any time in the last year. Linking requires touching the two talismans together on a matching color for one round. Each is inscribed with the words “Separate but together, the six are one.”

Activation is mental and takes no action. Once activated, you become fluent in one language, gain a +1 bonus for one of your six ability scores (stacks with all other bonuses), and gain +2 bonus on charisma-based skills with the corresponding races.

Lahe'nelle's diary